Gauge Control

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A linear style control that displays a single numeric value graphically. You can specify the color of the linear fill that represents the value.

Icon: images/Phx00054.gif

Specialized Features:

The following table lists and describes the properties and events added by Gauge. There are no added methods.

Properties Use to...

BarColor Determine the color or colors to display in the bar representing changes in the gauge.

LEDStep Determine the increment at which the gauge will increase or decrease.

Margin Determine the number of pixels between the edges of the gauge and the bar.

Max Determine the maximum allowed value of a gauge.

Min Determine the minimum allowed value of a gauge.

Orientation Determine whether the gauge will be oriented horizontally or vertically.

Value Set or return the value currently represented by a gauge.

Events Use to...

Click Perform an action when the user presses and releases a mouse button while on an object, or when the value of a control is changed in code.

DblClick Perform an action when the user presses and releases a mouse button twice in rapid succession over an object.

GotFocus Define what occurs when an object is given the focus.

KeyDown Define what occurs when the user presses a key while an object has the focus.

KeyPress Define what occurs when the user presses and releases an ANSI key.

KeyUp Define what occurs when the user releases a key while an object has the focus.

LostFocus Define what occurs when an object loses the focus.

Copied Features:

images/Phx00158.gif Properties images/Phx00159.gif Methods images/Phx00160.gif Events


The gauge can be oriented either vertically or horizontally. The Min and Max properties allow you to set the range of values the gauge can display. You should set the Value property to fall within this range.